New version Coach 7.6 now 64-bits

This new version of Coach 7 is the first 64-bit version (Mac only). In this version the Data Table is enriched with a toolbar with buttons, which provide quick access to some useful tools such as Zooming text , Displaying properties of Run and Data Series Variables, Managing Runs, Rows and Variables, Scan and

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Lower price VinciLab

We are very glad to inform you that we lower the price of our portable data-logger VinciLab. You can buy it now for €442.50,-. VinciLab is a portable device, can be used standalone or with Coach 7 program on a Windows or Mac computer (wireless via Wi-Fi or via a USB)  or with Coach 7

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Measurement in Coach 7.2 App

In the update of Coach 7 App for tablets (version 7.2)  the functionality of measurement is added. It is possible to measure: on iPad with: – with VinciLab, wireless via Wi-Fi, and – an internal tablet accelerometer, Android tablets with: – VinciLab, wireless via Wi-Fi – €Lab, €Sense, CLAB, CoachLabII+ via a USB port (a Micro USB OTG-hub or a cable is needed to

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