Coach 7 Lite is a free App, which supports measurements via the CMA interfaces and offers a limited set of data analysis tools such as Zoom, Scan, Slope, Area, Function Fit, Derivative and Select/Remove data.
Android Tablets & phones
- Version: Coach 7.8.2
- Release: 31.10.2023
Minimum Requirements
- Android 8.1 (or newer)
- 1 GB internal memory
- ARM-processor
- recommended 9-inch screen
Support for measurements with:
- Wireless sensors (via Bluetooth)
- VinciLab and VinciLab 2 (via Wi-Fi)
- WiLab (wireless via Bluetooth)
- €Lab, €Sense, CLAB, CoachLab II+ via a USB port (via Micro USB OTG cable)
- Internal accelerometer.
Ipads & Iphones
- Version: Coach 7.8.2
- Release: 31.10.2023
Minimum Requirements
- iOS 14 (or newer)
- 1 GB internal memory
- recommended 9-inch screen
Support for measurements with:
- Wireless sensors (via Bluetooth)
- VinciLab and VinciLab 2 (via Wi-Fi)
- WiLab (wireless via Bluetooth)
- Internal accelerometer.
For Chromebooks
we offer a special Android App.
his App is limited and does not offer all functionalities of the apps for iPad and Android tablets.
- Version: Coach 7.7.0
- Release: 28.06.2022
Coach 7 Lite App for chromebooks
To enable measurement via USB interfaces, we have developed a special Coach 7 App that realizes the communication between the Coach App and the USB. Unfortunately Google still makes impossible for Android apps to work with the camera and execute measurements directly via the USB port. With the special CMA Hidserver, the problem of measuring with USB interfaces is now solved. We follow developments at Google in order to further optimize the Coach App.
From version 7.5.1, you can measure with VinciLab via WiFi or WiLab via Bluetooth. You can also measure with the USB interfaces: the newer CoachLab II+ (starting from 2010), €Lab, €Sense and CLAB. However, you must also install the CMA Hidserver, which you can find in the Google Chrome Webstore ( Search for CMA HID server.
This Coach 7 App does not work on Chromebooks with an AMD processor and does not support wireless sensors.