Coach 7 Lite is a free app, which supports measurements via the CMA interfaces and offers a limited set of data analysis tools such as Zoom, Scan, Slope, Area, Function Fit, Derivative and Select/Remove data.

Android Tablets & phones
- Version: Coach 7.11.2
- Release: 07.11.2024
Minimum Requirements
- Android 8.1 (or newer)
- 1 GB internal memory
- ARM-processor
- recommended 9-inch screen
Support for measurements with:
- Wireless sensors (via Bluetooth)
- VinciLab and VinciLab 2 (via Wi-Fi)
- WiLab (wireless via Bluetooth)
- €Lab, €Sense, CLAB, CoachLab II+ via a USB port (via Micro USB OTG cable)
- Internal accelerometer.
Ipads & Iphones
- Version: Coach 7.11.1
- Release: 07.11.2024
Minimum Requirements
- iOS 14 (or newer)
- 1 GB internal memory
- recommended 9-inch screen
Support for measurements with:
- Wireless sensors (via Bluetooth)
- VinciLab and VinciLab 2 (via Wi-Fi)
- WiLab (wireless via Bluetooth)
- Internal accelerometer.
For Chromebooks
we offer a special Android app.
This app is limited and does not offer all functionalities of the apps for iPad and Android tablets.
- Version: Coach 7.11.2
- Release: 07.11.2024
Download and read the document ‘Using Coach 7 Lite on Chromebook’ for an overview of the app’s features and limitations.