Coach 7 is a learning and authoring software designed for STEM education. It can be installed on both Windows and Mac computers and requires either a valid Coach 7 Desktop License or a Coach 7 BYOD License for use.
When starting the program for the first time, you will be prompted to enter your License Code. You can purchase the license directly from the CMA webshop or through your local CMA dealer.

Coach 7 can be installed on Windows computers by using the MSI installation file and on MAC computers by using the DMG installation file. Download the correct version depending on your operating system. Then follow the instructions given in the Coach 7 Installation Guide (also important for system administrators).
Do you have problems when working with older models of the CoachLab II+ interface or €Motion?
You need to install Low-level Drivers.
Free Trial
We offer a free 60-Day Trial of Coach 7. Please contact CMA to request a download.
Starting from version 7.7 Coach Installation includes only Tutorials in English and Dutch. CMA Projects are not included in the installation anymore. They have to be downloaded via the Dashboard button Download CMA Projects. When you update your Coach 7 do not forget to check and also update CMA Projects.
In case you are interested to get the projects in your language as a separate file please contact CMA.
- Do you have problems when working with older models of the CoachLab II+ interface or €Motion? Read how to install special drivers.
Do you get the error ‘Cannot read Author key file. It may be missing or corrupt’. Read how to solve this problem.
CMA offers teaching materials for support and inspiration. With your Coach 7 license code you can register and get access to the CMA database with additional material.
Low-level drivers
For older models of the CoachLab II+ interface (sold before February 2011) and for all €Motion Detectors (suitable only for Windows) it may be needed to install low-level drivers.
STEP 1. The low-level drivers are digitally signed with the CMA license certificate. This certificate must be installed prior to the installation of low-level drivers.
Download the public CMA certificate.
Install the public CMA certificate. For details instructions consult Coach 7 Installation Guide (page 13).
STEP 2. Depending on your processor type choose the right installation file. Download the file and install the low-level drivers.
For Windows / Intel 32-bit processors
For Windows / Intel 64-bit processors 64-bit processors, also known as IA-64
For Windows / Itanium, also known as IA-64
Download and install the low-level drivers. These drivers supports only the CoachLab II+ interface. €Motion does not work on Mac computers.
For all Mac computers (ver.23.10.2023)
Error in Windows installation
Starting from version 7.4 the Windows installation has been modified to not reset the Author key to the default value after update. This means that a file, which consists this Author key, will not be overwritten during Coach Installation. Unfortunately for installation of Coach on some systems a direct upgrade (installation when an older version of Coach is installed) does not work correctly. In such situation, the file is deleted and not replaced by the new one, and you get an error message Cannot read Author key file. It may be missing or corrupt.
There are two ways to solve this problem:
1. First uninstall the older version of Coach and after that install the new Coach, or
2. Run “Program and Features” repair.