The most versatile and complete software for stem education
Always and Anywhere
With Coach 7 you are ready for the Education of the 21st century and for Bring Your Own Device policy. You can use Coach 7 on computers, laptops, tablets, Chromebooks and smartphones. No matter what the mix of technology in the classroom or the school is, all users share the same user experience.
With exception of the Single User Licenses, Coach 7 can be installed on all teachers’ and students’ devices, for use in school and at home.
Coach 7 Activities and Results are exchangeable between all supported platforms.
Coach 7 Licenses

Coach 7 BYOD 1-year Site License
Valid for 1 year. For an unlimited number installations per school. Can be used on all school computers and mobile devices, teachers’ and students’ computers and mobile devices, for use in schools and at home. Internet is needed during installation.
Coach 7 BYOD 5-years Site License
Valid for 5 years. For an unlimited number installations per school. can be used on all school computers and mobile devices, teachers’ and students’ computers and mobile devices, for use in schools and at home. Internet is needed during installation.
Coach 7 BYOD 5-years 1-seat License
Valid for 5 years. For a single device or individual use. Maximum 2 installations. Internet is needed during installation.
Coach 7 BYOD 5-years 5-seats License
Valid for 5 years. For 5 devices . Maximum 10 installations. Internet is needed during installation.
For prices contact your local dealer or CMA.
Tools Integrated in Coach 7
Coach 7 integrates tools which facilitate an Inquiry-based approach to Education and gives possibility to show the connection between science and real-life. This helps students to understand the relevance of science to their lives and the use of science laws.
In our approach students work in much the same way as professionals do. They collect high-quality, real-time data, construct and use models, use simulations and visualisations, compare results from experiments and models, they construct their own knowledge. They are encouraged to collaborate, they have to discuss and analyse their findings, construct and test models, form coherent arguments, present their investigations.

Data Logging
Real-time presenting data while being collected helps students to connect the features of the phenomenon and the features of the graph.

and control allows to automate measurements and
to create control programs.
The environment offers several modes of programming.
These types of Activities are not included in the Coach 7 Apps on tablets and smartphones.

from the CMA Spectrometer
and record Emission
and Absorption spectra.
Such a type of activity is used to collect data from CMA Spectrometer and allow to record Emission and Absorption spectra over a range of 360 - 940 nm.
These types of Activities are not included in the Coach 7 Apps on tablets and smartphones.

Data Video
Coach also offers many extra features like capturing a video or correcting a perspective distortion. Students can capture their own videos with the help of camera or smartphones.

Data Image
Also analysis of stroboscopic photos
is possible.
During measurements on an image the position data, or position and time data for a stroboscopic image, are collected. Coach also offers extra features like correcting a perspective distortion.


another way of presenting data
to help students to better understand
the meaning of data.
These types of Activities are not included in the Coach 7 Apps on tablets and smartphones.

there is no measurement possibility,
data can be entered manually
or imported.

Data Analysis & Processing
and processed with the same
analysis and processing tools
across the Coach program.
These are tools such as: zooming, finding a slope or an area under a graph, selecting and removing data, smoothing a graph, calculating new variables with mathematical functions, finding the best function fit, calculating a frequency spectrum, finding statistical data information, creating a histogram.
If you do not need all the power of Coach 7 or you work with Primary School level students Coach 7 Lite is available at no charge for use with the CMA interfaces. Register to get the password then download and install for free.
Authoring Tools
for teachers and curriculum developers
To help teachers to get started in using technology, CMA offers ready-to-go Teaching and Learning Activities. You can use these Activities directly in your lessons or adapt them to your own needs.
But Coach offers more. It enables you to build activities filled with your own learning content. When logged in as an Author you can modify an existing Activity or you can create a new Activity with the tool you need, for the desired student level, with your texts, images, videos, student questions, and with a screen layout that displays the way you want it.
The CMA Teaching Resources are free for our Coach 7 Users. Simple register with your Coach 7 License Code. Then login and freely browse and download the Activities.