New Director of CMA
We are pleased to announce that as of July 1th 2024, CMA has a new director, Tom van Raaij. Ton Ellermeijer and Ewa Kedzierska have great confidence in a bright future for CMA under his leadership. Ton founded CMA in 1987, stemming from the Didactics of Physics at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Ewa

New Coach versions available for working with Wireless sensors
The new versions of the Coach 7 programs and apps, which support measurements with our new Wireless sensors, has been released. Update your Coach 7 program if you want to use these sensors. Read the document Working with CMA Wireless sensors to quickly learn how to use these sensors for measurements in Coach.

Wireless sensors
CMA offers a new line of wireless sensors that can be used to measure directly without an interface. The sensors connect via Bluetooth or USB. These new sensors have very interesting and unique features: unique own display, you can also use the sensor as an independent measuring instrument, rechargeable battery, work with a variety

Update Coach 7.9, important for VinciLab 2
Coach 7.9 and Coach 7.9 Lite for desktop computers (Mac and Windows) has been released on April 20, 2023. You need this version to be able to work with our new VinciLab 2 data logger. Read What is new document to see what else has been improved in this version and quickly update your Coach