Do you like to start to use CLAB in your classroom?
STEM Starter Set with CLAB helps you to get started and to learn how to use CLAB with Casio fx-CG50 calculators and/or with Windows or Mac computers.  The set consists of the following elements.  

CLAB anD Sensors


can be purchased at your local dealer or at the CMA Webshop. Ask for the special offer if you want to purchase the recommended Classroom Bundle (8 sets). 


Download, Install & Learn 

1. Download Data Logger app and install it on your fx-CG50.
2. Learn basic functionalities via Quick Start Guide and Videos
1. Register for your free Coach 7 Lite (personal license).
2. Download and install Coach 7 Lite. 
3. [optional] To broaden the software possibilities with more STEM oriented tools purchase
Coach 7 (school license). 



Ready-to-go examples of experiments, which consists of:

  • Teacher notes – for use by teachers 
  • Student worksheet – for use by students
  • Setup file – for use in the Data Logger app
  • Coach 7 files  – for use in Coach 7 Lite or Coach 7.