Would you like to use real data in your Mathematics lessons? Measure with a data logger and a calculator? Or create dynamical models?
Mathematics is considered difficult by many students. One way to turn that around is to use realistic situations in the learning process. For example, collect the real data and analyse the graph, or use a model as a bridge between abstract and real. Our solution, which integrates hardware and software, can help you with it.

CLAB Data logger & Sensors
With CLAB and a set of sensors students can carry out many different experiments to get real data. The CLAB has been developed especially for mathematical applications and can be used with:
CASIO Graphic Calculator and controlled by the Data Logger or ECON app running on the calculator. The collected data are transferred in real-time to the calculator and the measurement can be followed on the calculator screen. The collected data can be then processed and analyzed with the calculator.
Mac or Windows computer and controlled by Coach 7 running on the computer. The collected data are transferred in real-time to the computer and the measurement can be followed on the computer screen. The collected data can be then processed and analysed in Coach 7.
Low-cost and powerful
Data Logger APP - Working with CASIO FX-CG50
In cooperation with CASIO we have developed Data Logger application for CASIO calculator fx-GC50. This is a menu-driven calculator application, which supports data collection with CLAB. It allows easy experiment setup, data collection, real-time display of data in graph(s), data analysis, storing the data in Lists and in csv format, configure and manage experiment setups.

Coach 7 - Working with Computer
CLAB can also work with a computer and the Coach 7 software. This configuration extends the possibilities of using technology in your classroom. With the help of tools integrated in Coach, many mathematical principles can also be explained in a very insightful way.

Data logging

With an interface and sensors real data can be collected. Here an example of measuring sound beats is shown.
Data Video

Videos of real objects’ motions can be analysed. Here an example of video analysis of a trampoline jumper motion is shown.
Data Image

Shapes on photos or drawings can be analysed. Here an example of using image measurement to determine which mathematical function describes the bridge shape is shown.
Data Analysis & Processing

Many analysis and processing tools can be used to identify features and interpret data. Here the Area tool is shown.

Using and constructing computational models helps to understand theory and solve realistic problems. Here an example of modelling of a parachute jumper motion is shown.

Can be used to work with data sets entered manually or imported from other resources. Here an example of proving mathematical equations sin^2 x + cos^2 x = 1 is shown.
Teacher Support
STEM Starter Set
Our STEM Starter Set with CLAB helps you to get started and to learn how to use CLAB with the Casio fx-CG50 calculator and/or with Windows or Mac computers.
Teacher Trainings
To help you to use technology and modern educational methods in your teaching we offer teacher training workshops and in-service trainings in the Netherlands but also internationally.